Room 1 has been learning about ANZAC for the past few days. We all had to choose a soldier to write about, the soldier I wrote about was MIDDLETON BECKETT that is because I think he has a interesting story. I liked to write about soldiers because they have a interesting backstory, I liked this subject because we get to know about the soldiers who fought for our country. LEST WE FORGET.


Responsibility is being dependable, keeping your promises and honouring your commitment.

I have a secret it is responsibility. This is

being dependable, keeping your promises and honouring your commitment.

I am dependable when I get asked to do a job.

The commitments I honour include turning up to school on time and listen to the teachers instruction.


Integrity is being honest and having a strong sense of what is right and strong.

My School Value Superhero is myself. My superpower is integrity. Integrity is being honest and having a strong sense of what is right and strong.

Integrity is important because it’s someone you can trust and that own up to their action and words.

I remember when myself was honest to my parents when I told them what my future and my passion was. What ever I believe I can achieve.



Would You Rather

Would you rather eat hot cross buns or Easter Eggs. I picked hot cross buns becausehot cross buns have that nice flavour in it. Something good about hot cross buns is that, hot cross buns have more designs on it, which makes people think that looks delicious. Hot cross buns should be a food that get provided to schools in the white containers. My favourite type of hot cross buns are the ones that are filled with hershey chocolate.

Useful Advice

My useful advice. I chose Ruapotaka School because, I think we need to work on following the rules and the school expectations. Room 1 has been learning about our school expectations in Week 3 I think. We have learnt about Integrity,Resilience,Respect and Responsibility. Ruapotaka School should show our school expectations outside East Auckland. That’s why I picked my school.


Maths With Mrs Allan

  Basically into days maths Room 1 did fraction,decimals and percentages. The picture you see above is a picture of me putting the fractions in the right place. Learning with Mrs Allan helps me take my maths to another world, she pushes Room 1 to get a good report on their maths. This is very helpful because It helped me remember how to do it and Room 1 also played PRIME CLIMB.


She really helped Room 1 and I have learnt a lot today. Transum is a very helpful math website and I recommend, you check this out. This is basically all about fractions,decimals and percentages. My win today was getting all my maths questions correct and my challenge was to try harder levels.

PE: Flag Football

Intro: In today’s PE session we played american football. We had some down times and some good times during that Football session, last week session we learnt how to pass a ball and we played some couple games. This weeks session we just played games to warm up.

skill: If I had to rate the skills out of 5, I would probably rate it a 3 because or skills were good but some people didn’t learn anything. But anyways we did alright.

values: Did we show our school values in that football session? I think we did and we didn’t because some people don’t treat others they want to be treated.

Fun: Some of the people in our class had fun but some people didn’t because the people that had fun just ran with the ball and people didn’t like how they always see that person run all the time. Some people didn’t have fun because their team didn’t pass the ball around.

Teamwork: Our teamwork was off because people didn’t get a chance to touch the ball. Today’s teamwork was something that put people on their emotions because there was no pass happening in my team, only once.

What can we work on? We could work on our teamwork, skill and most of all our school values. But to be honest I only touch the ball like 5 times because people would just run with the ball. The teams work Red Dragons and Yellow tigers.

Would you Rather

My blog post today is about would you rather… The subject is about would you rather play basketball or volleyball for your entire life. I chose volleyball because it is more interesting in my opinion, I do like playing basketball but I just think volleyball takes the win. Volleyball has more interesting skills and I just like volleyball.

Writing with Room 1

Year 7&8 at Ruapotaka School have been working on our writing. Our writing was about what does online learning look like in year 7&8. We have been writing a lot about this and I hope Room 1 learnt about our school expectations when online when they were writing about this. Writing online is pretty difficult because I’m not used to writing one, and well done Room 1 for completing this task. I liked doing this writing because it is a recap that I have been learning last year. GOOD JOB ROOM 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maths With Room 1

Doing maths with my classmates was very helpful because I get to experience what its like to work with my class online. I just want to say good job Room 1 because we got through this home learning together and now we can go back to school on Monday. Room 1 has been doing online learning and we have been finishing all our learning lately. In Room 1 we have been working on our decimals and times table, we have been learning with our teacher through this online pandemic(lol). I like working with Room 1 because they are very helpful peers and they all participated in their learning.